November 2015

Louth Conservation Area – Virtual hike w MUM!!!

By |2015-11-23T07:30:29-05:00November 23rd, 2015|Categories: #adventure, #outdoors, Canada, Exploring, Nature, Ontario, Outdoors, Trails, walking, waterfalls|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Here it was, already Thanksgiving weekend. The summer had gone by and I had camped my way through all of it.  Since May I had been on 13 trips, 9 of them provincial parks, 7 parks I'd never been to. On top of that I had hiked 9 sections of the Trans Canada Trail along with countless other hiking trails and kayaked a large amount of creeks, streams, rivers and lakes!  I was one happy camper, literally!!!! [...]

Paddling Lake Manitouwabing – Fall Colours Photo Blog

By |2015-11-19T07:54:05-05:00November 19th, 2015|Categories: #getoutside, #outdoors, #paddling, Adventure, alone, Canada, Exploring, fallcolours, kayak, Kayaking, leaves, Nature, Ontario, photography, sunrise, sunset, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , |

Thanksgiving weekend I was in Mckellar, Ontario at Glenwood Resort with my adopted Up North family, the Burnetts.  I brought my kayak up and paddled all 3 mornings I was there, along with a few evenings, and took quite a few fall photos.  I thought it would be fun to share them here with you in a photo blog. Hope you like it! Last year when I was here, I took a picture of [...]

Mount Nemo – Not Nemo from Finding Nemo-but just as awesome!

By |2015-11-09T07:00:00-05:00November 9th, 2015|Categories: #adventure, #hikes, #hiking, #hikingtrail, #outdoors, #trails, alone, brucetrail, Canada, conservatationarea, Exploring, fallcolours, Nature, Ontario, Outdoors, solo trip, walkling|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

At 7am on Saturday, still dark outside, I got up and got ready to enjoy a long awesome day of hiking!!!  It was to be a beautiful day out and who knows how many of those we have left before that crappy fall weather hits us. You know the stuff, rain, wind, cold, damp, dark, dreary ....  weather.  I was dreading it, although giving me time to write posts would be a  big benefit of [...]

October 2015

Honorary Woods Explorers Unite for a weekend of adventures!

By |2015-10-26T07:51:48-04:00October 26th, 2015|Categories: #adventure, #blogger, #getoutside, #go-girl, #outdoors, #paddling, Adventure, Canada, cooking, Exploring, food, geocaching, Kayaking, Nature, Ontario, Outdoors, paddling, sunrise, sunset|Tags: , , , , |

Once upon a time I applied to be the woods explorer. It seems like a lifetime ago, but it was really only about 6 months ago. My application video was different than pretty much every one that I'd seen and I was hopeful this would make me stand out and have a better chance of being picked. Instead of listing all the reasons why they should pick me, I tried to show them, that I [...]

Beetle Lake Trail – w my 70 yr old mom, WAIT!! where’s the bridge???

By |2015-10-19T07:30:00-04:00October 19th, 2015|Categories: #adventure, #getoutside, #hikes, #hiking, #outdoors, Adventure, Canada, Exploring, Ontario|Tags: , , , , , , |

Every year my mom and I head to Parkway Cottages & Resort for a few days at the cottage. It is located just outside the border of Algonquin Park and we spend lots of time there hiking and exploring the area!  I am not a time waster and when I am heading  out on an adventure, choose to use all the time I have available, like leaving at 4 or 5am to get up north [...]

Therm-a-rest Treo Chair VS Joey Chair!!!!

By |2015-10-15T05:00:00-04:00October 15th, 2015|Categories: #adventure, #camping, #getoutside, #hikes, #hiking, #outdoors, #thermarest, Adventure, backcountry, beach, biking, campchairs, camping, Canada, Chairs, day trip, Exploring, Kayaking, Nature, outdoor products, Outdoors|Tags: , , , , , |

I have spent most of this summer in the outdoors. I have camped, kayaked, hiked, cottaged, biked, backcountried, and done everything and anything to enjoy the outdoors that I possibly could.  Every minute I have had free, I have been on an adventure and it is has been simply amazing! I have had the good fortune to be given and loaned some different items from my friend Jamie at Outdoors Oriented which is my go to outdoors [...]

16 Mile Creek – Paddling at home & it’s awesome!

By |2015-10-12T07:00:00-04:00October 12th, 2015|Categories: #adventure, #outdoors, #paddling, 16 Mile Creek, Adventure, birds, Canada, day trip, eagles, Exploring, heron, Niagara, Ontario, Outdoors, paddle, paddling, St. Catharines, water|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

On Sunday I had a free day, which is rare for me as I have been on 13 trips so far, camping and exploring nature and have rarely been home! I decided I would ride the TC Trail in the morning and paddle in the afternoon.  I was so excited to go paddling here, its been so long, so after putting my bike away in the shed, I got my awesome little kayak up on [...]

Go Girl- I peed like a man & I liked it!

By |2015-10-08T02:14:24-04:00October 8th, 2015|Categories: #adventure, #camping, #getoutside, #go-girl, #gogirl, #hikes, #hiking, #outdoors, #paddling, #pstyle, #snowshoeing, #wintercamping, camping, Canada, Climbing, convienience, cycling, Exploring, female urination device, FUD, girls, Hiking, Kayaking, Nature, Ontario, outdoor products, Outdoors, Pee, pee like a man, pee standing, Trails, urination, waterfalls, waterways, women|Tags: , , , , , , , |

I need to start by saying that this post may not be for everyone - Guys, you may want to skip this, or, it may interest you just as much as the women, especially if you adventure with one of them. Girls, if you adventure, camp, hike, bike, spend a lot of time outdoors or in areas where bathrooms are not always accessible, this post is for you! A few weeks ago, I was at [...]

Trans Canada Trail – Niagara Falls Ontario

By |2015-10-05T06:00:00-04:00October 5th, 2015|Categories: #adventure, #hiking, #outdoors, Adventure, Canada, cycling, Exploring, falls, Fun, Hiking, Nature, Niagara, Ontario, Outdoors, Parks, Parkway, River, Trails, trans canada trail, walking, water, waterfalls, waterways|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

It was a rare thing for me to have free time these days, but last Sunday, I had the whole day to myself. I had honestly assumed I would be hungover as Saturday was Grape & Wine in Niagara, a festival many locals and tourists participate in revolving around drinking wine. I ended up waking up at 715am, and felt great so I got up and decided it was a good day to go adventuring, [...]

September 2015


By |2015-09-30T01:12:40-04:00September 30th, 2015|Categories: #adventure, #blog, #camping, #getoutside, #gogirl, #hikes, #hiking, #Liebster, #newbloggers, #outdoors, #paddling, #reviews, #snowshoeing, #thermarest, #wintercamping|Tags: , , , , , |

I'm pretty excited about all the blog posts I have yet to write! I had so many adventures this summer and there just wasn't enough time to write about every single one of them. I can not wait to share them and hopefully get you excited about the places I've been and inspire you to get outside and adventure for yourself, and, share it with others! Nature is addictive you know! I've got lots of fall [...]

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