May 2016

Thermarest vs thermarest

By |2016-05-09T21:04:03-04:00May 9th, 2016|Categories: #thermarest, backcountry, backcountry camping, camp, camping, camping tips, campsite, kayak, Kayaking, mat, matt, Nature, Ontario, ontario parks, outdoor products, Outdoors, pad, sleep, sleeping, sleeping matt, sleeping pad, tent, tentcamping, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

The week before my last backcountry trip of the year, I went to Outdoors Oriented for a visit. I needed a few things for my trip.  I was also looking for some items to test out for my blog and Jamie, the stores owner, was kind enough to provide me with one of his tester NeoAir Trekker Thermarest mats! I was stoked. It was so tiny and I was curious to see how comfortable it would be [...]

October 2015

Therm-a-rest Treo Chair VS Joey Chair!!!!

By |2015-10-15T05:00:00-04:00October 15th, 2015|Categories: #adventure, #camping, #getoutside, #hikes, #hiking, #outdoors, #thermarest, Adventure, backcountry, beach, biking, campchairs, camping, Canada, Chairs, day trip, Exploring, Kayaking, Nature, outdoor products, Outdoors|Tags: , , , , , |

I have spent most of this summer in the outdoors. I have camped, kayaked, hiked, cottaged, biked, backcountried, and done everything and anything to enjoy the outdoors that I possibly could.  Every minute I have had free, I have been on an adventure and it is has been simply amazing! I have had the good fortune to be given and loaned some different items from my friend Jamie at Outdoors Oriented which is my go to outdoors [...]

September 2015


By |2015-09-30T01:12:40-04:00September 30th, 2015|Categories: #adventure, #blog, #camping, #getoutside, #gogirl, #hikes, #hiking, #Liebster, #newbloggers, #outdoors, #paddling, #reviews, #snowshoeing, #thermarest, #wintercamping|Tags: , , , , , |

I'm pretty excited about all the blog posts I have yet to write! I had so many adventures this summer and there just wasn't enough time to write about every single one of them. I can not wait to share them and hopefully get you excited about the places I've been and inspire you to get outside and adventure for yourself, and, share it with others! Nature is addictive you know! I've got lots of fall [...]

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