October 2015

The Liebster Award – nominated & nominating!

By |2015-10-01T12:03:32-04:00October 1st, 2015|Categories: #blog, #blogger, #liebsteraward, #newbloggers, blog, inspiration, liebsteraward, newbloggers, nominated, nominations|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

A few weeks ago I was the recipient of a great surprise! A nomination for the Liebster Award for my blog, CamperChristina.com ! So very cool! I was totally surprised by it and very honoured to get this nomination. I am a new blogger and have only been at it a few months and therefore it was even more special to me that someone recognized me and thought I was deserving of this honour. The Liebster [...]

September 2015


By |2015-09-30T01:12:40-04:00September 30th, 2015|Categories: #adventure, #blog, #camping, #getoutside, #gogirl, #hikes, #hiking, #Liebster, #newbloggers, #outdoors, #paddling, #reviews, #snowshoeing, #thermarest, #wintercamping|Tags: , , , , , |

I'm pretty excited about all the blog posts I have yet to write! I had so many adventures this summer and there just wasn't enough time to write about every single one of them. I can not wait to share them and hopefully get you excited about the places I've been and inspire you to get outside and adventure for yourself, and, share it with others! Nature is addictive you know! I've got lots of fall [...]

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