November 2015

Bruce Trail in Grimsby- A GORGEOUS WORKOUT!

By |2015-11-26T07:00:10-05:00November 26th, 2015|Categories: Adventure, brucetrail, Canada, conservatationarea, creek, Exploring, fallcolours, falls, grimsby, hike, Hiking, hikingtrails, leaves, Nature, Ontario, Outdoors, stairs, Trails, walkling, waterfalls|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

It was a gorgeous day out and even though I'd hiked 10 hours the day before,  I couldn't resist getting outside to do a few more trails today! I headed to Gibson Street in Grimsby to park my car and start my amazing adventure! This was my last weekend before my knee surgery to hike and I was taking total advantage and spending as much time doing what I loved while I was able to! [...]

October 2015

16 Mile Creek – Paddling at home & it’s awesome!

By |2015-10-12T07:00:00-04:00October 12th, 2015|Categories: #adventure, #outdoors, #paddling, 16 Mile Creek, Adventure, birds, Canada, day trip, eagles, Exploring, heron, Niagara, Ontario, Outdoors, paddle, paddling, St. Catharines, water|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

On Sunday I had a free day, which is rare for me as I have been on 13 trips so far, camping and exploring nature and have rarely been home! I decided I would ride the TC Trail in the morning and paddle in the afternoon.  I was so excited to go paddling here, its been so long, so after putting my bike away in the shed, I got my awesome little kayak up on [...]

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