August 2017

The French River – 4 Day Solo Kayak Trip – Worst Site, Best Site- Post 1 of 2

By |2022-03-31T10:13:10-04:00August 15th, 2017|Categories: Adventure, backcountry, backcountry camping, Bear vault, bugs, camp, camping, campsite, Canada, Exploring, Fun, georgian bay, kayak, kayak camping, Kayaking, Nature, navigating, navigation, Ontario, ontario parks, outdoor products, Outdoors, paddle, paddling, Provincial Park, Rapids, scenery, scenic, solo trip, tangii, tent, tentcamping, yolo|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

As long as I can remember, I've always wanted to visit the French River.  I had no idea where to go, where to access, what to see, etc and so the trip kept getting delayed.  Finding myself suddenly available on the August long weekend and dying to do a 4 day solo, I decided the French River was where I would go. My awesome friend Kevin Callan had been there and had written about the [...]

August 2016

Navigating to Snake Island – Paddling Beyond Handrailing!

By |2016-08-09T19:45:08-04:00August 9th, 2016|Categories: Adventure, backcountry, backcountry camping, Bear vault, bearproof, Campers, camping, camping tips, campsite, Canada, Chairs, compass, Exploring, kayak, kayak rack, Kayaking, learning, malone, Nature, navigating, navigation, Ontario, ontario parks, outdoor products, Outdoors, paddle, paddle canada, paddling, rack system, tarps, tent, tentcamping, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Before taking the Level 2 Sea Kayaking course with Ontario Sea Kayak Centre , I would've never attempted to camp out in the middle of Georgian Bay, on crown land, without being with someone who was experienced in doing so.  During my entire history of backcountry camping, I have used a method called handrailing and never knew how to use a compass.  I basically brought the map for the area I was in, and used landmarks, [...]

June 2016

Wilderness Navigation – Getting Lost on purpose Frontenac PP

By |2020-05-19T14:57:12-04:00June 6th, 2016|Categories: #lost, #map, Adventure, alone, backcountry, backcountry camping, bruce trail, camping, Canada, compass, day trip, declination, Exploring, frontenac, grid, hike, Hikers, Hiking, hiking trails, learning, legend, mapping, Muskoka, muskoka trails, Nature, navigating, navigation, Ontario, ontario parks, Ontario Trails, Outdoors, rose, solo trip, true north, walkling, walks, wildernessnavigation|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Since my very first backcountry trip in 2001 I have been carrying a compass in my backpack on every single trip I go on.  You would think that would make me smart, but the reality is, I have never learned how to use a compass. I was never in girl guides or scouts or brownies or participated in any type of class or course to show me how to use this amazing instrument. I have [...]

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