January 2017

Revising the Tipi and a Sled for Winter Backcountry Camping!

By |2017-01-03T07:25:58-05:00January 3rd, 2017|Categories: #sled, Adventure, backcountry, backcountry camping, Campers, camping, camping tips, Canada, DIY, Exploring, gear, glamping, hike, Hikers, Hiking, hiking trails, hikingtrails, homemade, hot tent, inspiration, learning, Nature, Ontario, outdoor products, outdoorproducts, Outdoors, pulk, renovation, revised, revision, sledding, tarps, teepee, tent, tentcamping, tipi, toboggan, Uncategorized, walking, walks, winter, winter camping tips, winter Wonderland, winterglamping, winterinthewild|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Over the summer, I spent quite a bit of time thinking about Winter Camping. I know it might seem off but I am always looking ahead to what I want to do next and making sure I have sufficiently planned all of that out so it is not just a possibility but a reality! As many of you that have followed my winter adventures know, last year, I built my very own tipi from scratch [...]

January 2016

Winter Glamping, Camping & Adventuring – Tips I’ve Learned & Your Input!!

By |2016-01-26T07:46:28-05:00January 26th, 2016|Categories: Algonquin, Bear Barrel, Bear vault, bearproof, camping, camping tips, Canada, cold, cooking, Exploring, food, Food storage, glamping, gloves, homemade, hot tent, Mew Lake, Nature, Ontario, outdoor products, Outdoors, Parks, pot set, pots, summer tent, tarps, teepee, tent, tentcamping, texting gloves, tipi, tips, Uncategorized, water, winter, winter camping tips, winterglamping, yurt|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Whether you are camping in a tent or glamping in a yurt, things are different in the winter, than they are in the warmer seasons.  I am very new to the whole winter camping/glamping scene but I have learned a tonne of things already and wanted to share them with you, if you are thinking of embarking on a winter camping or glamping trip.  Please feel free to comment and add your own tips at [...]

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