When I decided to go  snowshoeing at the Cranberry Marsh, I did not expect it to be anything like this!


I was online one day in search of places to go snowshoeing and someone asked if I’d been to Johnston’s Cranberry Marsh. I actually had, for the Cranberry Festival, but that was it.


After a huge week of snow in Muskoka,  some research online, and a few very pleasant Facebook messages between us, I headed over to Johnston’s Cranberry Marsh to check out their snowshoeing trails.


I was greeted by the beautiful Jean-Ann.  Her smile lit up an otherwise dreary snowy day and with the scent of cranberries in the air, she gave me all the information I would need to have a great day of snowshoeing here.


I checked out the map which you can also find online .

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My plan was to do the Superberry Trail which was a combination of all the trails.

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The Superbarry Trail totalled 7.5 km’s and was a combination of 3 trails.

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The first trail loop I did was the Orville Lake Nature Trail. It had yellow signs.

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The Orville Lake Nature Trail is 2.5 km’s on it’s own.  It starts off going around the end of a marsh but shortly after you are suddenly in the forest. It’s quite breathtaking and was my second favourite trail of the day!


As I reached the end of the Orville Lake Trail, I heard a snowmobile heading my way.  It had a rack it was pulling behind it and was grooming the trails. I was quite grateful for this as I was alone and the first one out here (no prints).

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I had snowshoed behind where I live the other night and the snow went to my knees. I was exhausted after an hour and knew I would never be able to do 7.5 km’s in snow like that.  I happily waved at the snowmobile/groomer and carried on to the next loop being led in by fox tracks!

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The second loop was the Medora Creek Trail.

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The signs were all in maroon colour markers and it was easy to see where I had to go.


This trail took me  around both the East Marsh and the Old Marsh. I had started off trailblazing but soon the snowmobile had come and cleared the trail for me!

I saw these cool tracks that led to a hole. I wished i could see deeper into the hole and see what was in there and what it/they were doing?

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I had made it to the bridge, the start of the 3rd loop.  I was getting a bit tired but pressed on.

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I was glad I did.

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As this loop would become my favourite trail of the day!

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According to the map, this trail was advanced and I could see why it was rated that way.


A truck had driven through, by the looks of it, maybe a few days ago. The tracks were vague at the start but faded away shortly after.


I picked up some snowmobile tracks in a few places, and one had come through while I was there, but a lot of this trail, was just me and my snowshoes, and it was awesome!

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There were some narrow areas, places where some growth had shot up on the trail, and a few steep climbs but nothing super crazy, or that I couldn’t handle.


Something I really loved about the trail was even though it was very natural, there were florescent trail markers everywhere! Some even in the middle of the trail. Just went I’d feel a slight fear that I might be lost, I’d see another marker!


Such a reassuring thing!

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Sooner than I’d liked, I’d completed the last loop and was back at the bridge.


I snowshoed up to the shop, thinking of a nice hot beverage to warm me up.


I went past the parking lot and found some cool machinery and vehicles sitting about.


I parked my snowshoes at the storefront and headed inside to see Jean-Ann!


She set me up with a delicious cranberry oatmeal walnut cookie and a hot cran apple cider!


Both were extremely delicious and the Cider warmed me right up!


What a great place to come and warm up after spending a few hours on the trails!


Jean-Ann told me the story of these skates that hang on their wall.  Quite interesting indeed!  They were found while preparing for their annual ice trail!  I can not wait to come back and try it! Unfortunately, it’s not been quite cold enough to set it up yet, but keep watch here, for the opening date!

I would like to thank Jean-Ann and everyone I came in contact with for their extremely kind hospitality! I’d also like to thank everyone that makes this place such an awesome place to visit, from grooming the trails, plowing the parking lots (which they all were), serving up hot drinks and snacks to helping you pick a tasty new wine, the people at Johnston’s Cranberry Marsh know how to do things right!  I can not wait to come back and visit again!  Hope to see you there!

Thanks so much for checking out my post! If you have any questions, comments or just want to say hi, please leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I am able to!

Happy Snowshoeing!

Camper Christina