By Christina|2016-12-29T19:22:03-05:00December 29th, 2016|Categories: #marsh, #snow, #snowshoe, #snowshoeing, Adventure, alone, Canada, Cranberry festival, cranberry marsh, creek, creeks, day trip, Exploring, hike, Hikers, Hiking, hiking trails, ice, Ice trail, inspiration, Marsh Trail, MarshTrail, Muskoka, muskoka trails, Nature, Ontario, Ontario Trails, Parks, Port carling, skating, Uncategorized|Tags: @cranberrydotca, @muskokatourism, @muskokatrails, @muskokatravel, @ontariosnowshoetrails, @ontariotravel, @ontrails, #animaltracks, #bala, #cranberrymarsh, #hike, #hiking, #hikingtrail, #hikingtrails, #icetrail, #johnstons, #johnstonscranberrymarsh, #markers, #muskokalakeswinery, #muskokatrailscouncil, #skate, #skatingtrail, #snow, #snowmobile, #snowshoe, #snowshoeing, #snowshoetrail, #trail, #trailmarkers, #trails, #walk, #walking, #waterfalls, falls, ice, Muskoka, skating, tracks|
When I decided to go snowshoeing at the Cranberry Marsh, I did not expect it to be anything like this! I was online one day in search of places to go snowshoeing and someone asked if I'd been to Johnston's Cranberry Marsh. I actually had, for the Cranberry Festival, but that was it. After a huge week of snow in Muskoka, some research online, and a few very pleasant Facebook messages between us, I headed [...]