September 2017

Algonquin Kiosk Loop – 5 Day Solo Canoe Trip – Part 1

By |2022-03-31T10:08:43-04:00September 13th, 2017|Categories: Adventure, Algonquin, Algonquin Park, Algonquin Provincial Park, alone, backcountry, backcountry camping, Bear vault, bearproof, camping, campsite, Canada, canoe, canoe camping, canoeing, creek, creeks, Exploring, inspiration, Kioshkokwi, kioshkokwi lake, kiosk, lakes, Nature, navigating, navigation, Ontario, ontario parks, Ontario Trails, outdoor products, Outdoors, paddle, paddling, portage, portaging, Provincial Park, scenery, scenic, solo trip, sunrise, sunset|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

In 2002, I went on my very first backcountry trip. Five days, four nights and for someone who'd barely canoed, a huge challenge.  It was a loop full of portages and lots of tests and I had thought about doing it solo for quite some time now.  After a great deal of thought, I came to the conclusion that doing that loop solo, just wasn't realistic or feasible, and so I put it out of [...]

August 2016

Kioshkokwi Lake – Algonquin Park aka Kiosk

By |2016-08-23T21:08:30-04:00August 23rd, 2016|Categories: #frog, Algonquin, Algonquin Park, Algonquin Provincial Park, backcountry, backcountry camping, Campers, camping, camping tips, campsite, Canada, Exploring, kayak, kayak rack, Kayaking, Kioshkokwi, kioshkokwi lake, kiosk, learning, malone, Nature, Ontario, ontario parks, paddle, paddling, Provincial Park, rack, rack system, summer tent, sunrise, sunset, swimming, tarps, tent, tentcamping, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

I had not camped in Algonquin Park since February when it was minus 42.  It was time to change that.  My roommate Molly had been asking me to take her on a backcountry trip with me since we'd met, and this is the weekend we decided on.  As Molly has never backcountry camped previously, I didn't want to do anything too difficult, plus we only had 2 days and one night to spend somewhere. After [...]

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