I woke up to a beautiful day Sunday, birds chirping, sun out and the promise from the Weather Network of a warm day! I was supposed to go out for a hike with my good friend Andrea, but she advised me she was a bit under the weather and couldn’t make it. As I am going on a canoe trip next, then car camping without my kayak following, I decided I needed to get out for a paddle in my boat as it’d be a bit before I could do so again. Also, I have been working about 70 hours a week for the last 5-6 months and have finally completed a project that was causing that, so I was very happy to have my day free and not have to work all of it sitting in front of my mac! Yay summer!

Fifteen mile creek is a beautiful little creek in St. Catharines that I love to paddle in. It’s close to home, calm and full of wildlife and I always find something pretty to photograph there.   There are two places to put in, but I always use the Glass Road public dock as it’s nice and quiet and out of the way. The other put in is at Jordan Harbour by the QEW but as I’ve never put in there, I can’t really offer up much more information.

Here is a map of where the Glass Road public dock is located and what the area looks like. Basically you take Gregory Road which is right off the service Road next to the QEW, vere right at Glass Road and there is a parking area very close to where you turn off. Someone amazing donated the dock, I assume so thank you to that wonderful person, whoever you are!

map of glass ave public dockj8hD8Acz_W9HwosCwoKCpkm_q6kRw1ja7TxcVw88gbAboatdock1

I put my boat into the water and set off on my paddle heading towards Lake Ontario.  Fifteen mile creek is incredibly serene and peaceful. There are frogs croaking, birds singing, blue heron flying past, usually 2 swans call the creek home, but I couldn’t locate them this paddle (first time ever), and lots of other critters sharing the space. When I was here in May the Carp were spawning and that was a sight I will never forget! Today, there were an unbelievable amount of dragon flies all over, happy to see them, eating up all the mosquitos! Yay! Dragonflies!


At this time of year the creek gets very thick with vegetation, seaweed, the water level is low and it is difficult to make it all the way to Lake Ontario. I got very close but decided I enjoyed the tranquility of the other part of the creek and turned to go back. Paddling listening to the sounds of the highway is not what I am here for.  Plus, it’s a tough paddle between the mouth of the creek and Lake Ontario as it is extremely thick and difficult to get through all the seaweed and what I call green blankets.


I returned back the way I came and then paddled past the put in and in the direction away from the lake. Usually, you can only go a short distance in this direction as a very large tree fell some time ago and has been blocking the way.  This time, I was delighted to discover someone had cleared part of the fallen tree and there was enough room to pass. I made it a bit farther to the next creek-block and found that tree had also been removed!! Yay!


And a bit farther on there was another fallen tree. i could’ve easily gotten out of my boat to bypass it but decided to turn back and head out. I had another excursion planned for the rest of the day! A bike ride on the TCT! I headed back to the put in, packed up my boat and headed home. Another great paddle in a pretty little creek! Peacefullness and serenity restored to my being for now!


Oh, and I picked up some trash as usual while I was out and about!!! #cleanupourparks https://twitter.com/search?q=%23cleanupourparks&src=typd  Also, please see my blog post here on cleaning up our parks!


Hope you enjoyed my post!

Camper Christina
