By Christina|2015-11-12T07:13:18-05:00November 12th, 2015|Categories: #hikes, #hiking, #trails, Adventure, alone, biking, Canada, cycling, day trip, Exploring, fallcolours, Fort Erie, Nature, Niagarra, Ontario, River, trans canada trail, walking|Tags: @CycleinNiagara, @niagararegion, @ontariotrails, @ontrails, @tctrail, #biking, #cycling, #forterie, #friendshiptrail, #niagaraparkway, #niagarariverparkway, #rehabtrail, #walking|
When you love adventuring and being in nature, it feels like your world is ending when it is taken away from you, even for a short time. As some of you may have read, it's been a huge summer of adventuring for me! Spring and Fall too! I have loved every minute of it and it happened due to many reasons. One of them was that due to a torn meniscus & ligaments in my [...]