December 2018

Mew Lake Winter Camping with The Outdoor Kind – 113018-120218

By |2018-12-11T18:34:21-05:00December 11th, 2018|Categories: Adventure, Algonquin, Algonquin Park, camping, campsite, Canada, carcamping, cold camp, cold camping, Exploring, hike, Hiking, hiking trails, hot tent, Mew Lake, Ontario, ontario parks, Outdoors, scenery, scenic, snowshoe trails, snowshoeing, waterfalls, winter, winter camping|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

I have been chatting with an awesome guy online since November 2017, John Van Barriger from The Outdoor Kind.  We connected through social media due to mutual friends and similar interests and I have always thought what John does is really cool! After chatting for a year, I finally got to meet John at the Ontario Winter Camping Symposium.  He drove all the way from Wisconsin to attend the show and meet a bunch of [...]

June 2018

Bentshoe Lake – 2/2 – 1st Kayak Camp of 2018

By |2020-05-18T13:55:53-04:00June 12th, 2018|Categories: Adventure, algonquin highlands, alone, backcountry, backcountry camping, Bear vault, camping, camping tips, Canada, kayak, kayak camping, Kayaking, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

I left off in Part 1 on my beautiful site on Bentshoe Lake in the Haliburton Highlands Water Trails.  It was Saturday May 19th, and my friend Sean from Padding Adventures Radio was on his way to visit and spend the day in the rain with me, doing some kayaking, fishing and catching up. I collected some firewood after breakfast and waited for my friend Sean from Paddling Adventures Radio to arrive.  Sean had just [...]

Bentshoe Lake – 1/2 – 1st Kayak Camp of 2018

By |2020-05-18T13:56:00-04:00June 5th, 2018|Categories: Adventure, algonquin highlands, alone, backcountry, backcountry camping, Bear vault, camping, camping tips, Canada, kayak, kayak camping, Kayaking, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

The May long weekend was on the way and I had no plans. I decided it was finally time to get out and do a trip. My concussion was still lingering slightly but I had improved greatly and figured a quiet, easy, relaxing trip shouldn’t be too difficult.  I booked a site in the Haliburton Highlands Water Trails on Bentshoe Lake. I had actually done my first kayak camp of last year there and knew [...]

January 2018

2017 Recap & What’s on Deck for 2018!

By |2018-01-18T20:25:54-05:00January 18th, 2018|Categories: Adventure, camp, camping, Canada, cold camping, Exploring, fish, fishing, French River, Hiking, hot tent, inspiration, instructors, kayak camping, Kayaking, Killarney Provincial Park, kiosk, kw canoe symposium, Mike Ranta, Nature, Ontario, ontario parks, ontario sea kayak centre, Ontario Trails, ontarios highlands, Outdoor Adventure Show, Outdoors, paddling, portage, portaging, Presentation, Provincial Park, pulk, tipi, wild women expeditions, winter, winter camping|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

2017 was an amazing year, full of incredible adventures, big challenges and lots of new and wonderful people!  Just last week I was rewarded with 100000 views on my blog here at I am truly grateful for all the love and support I have received over the past two and a half years since my first post July 7, 2015. Thank you so very much! In 2017, I was able to complete several multi-day [...]

November 2017

Fall Paddling Trip to Nunikani – Snorts, Surprises & Snow

By |2017-11-14T17:14:16-05:00November 14th, 2017|Categories: Adventure, algonquin highlands, backcountry, backcountry camping, Campers, camping, campsite, Canada, canoe camping, canoeing, cold, cold camp, day trip, Exploring, fall, kayak, kayak camping, kayak portaging, Kayaking, Nature, Ontario, ontarios highlands, Outdoors, paddle, paddling, portage, portaging, recipes, tarps, tentcamping, waterfalls|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

It was a great weekend, it was cold, it was wet, it was windy and I vowed momentarily not to camp again until next summer, but it was a total hoot! I had been in correspondence with Mike Burns who had provided me with a huge amount of advice and information regarding my recent solo trip to Killarney.  I had met Mike at the 150 through another friend Derek, from Paddling Adventures Radio, a podcast [...]

October 2017

Killarney – Solo Canoe Trip – Part 1/2- Paddle Paddle Muck Wind

By |2017-10-17T19:00:55-04:00October 17th, 2017|Categories: Adventure, alone, backcountry, backcountry camping, Bear vault, camp, camping, campsite, Canada, canoe, canoe camping, canoeing, Exploring, fall, fallcolours, falls, killarney, Killarney Provincial Park, Moon, Nature, navigating, navigation, Ontario, ontario parks, Ontario Trails, Outdoors, paddle, paddling, portage, portaging, scenery, scenic, solo trip, storm, sunrise, sunset, swamp, tent, waterfalls, waterways, wind|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

With another long weekend fast approaching, it was time to devise a new plan. A 5 day solo canoe trip was in order and I wanted it to be as awesome as my Algonquin trip had been.  It would be hard to surpass but I believed I had the groundwork for another epic journey! After many nights of planning and consulting a few people who knew the area, making revisions and calculating kilometers and portage [...]

Mike Ranta – Hanging out in Killarney with a Modern Day Voyageur!

By |2017-10-11T09:30:22-04:00October 11th, 2017|Categories: Adventure, alone, camping, Canada, canoe, canoe camping, canoeing, enthusiasm, Exploring, inspiration, killarney, legend, Mike Ranta, Nature, Ontario, Outdoor Adventure Show, Outdoors, paddling, solo trip, Spitzii, water, waterways, winter camping|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

When I first met Mike Ranta at the 2017 Toronto outdoor show I didn't really know that much about him. All I knew was that I had just heard him present and I had never heard someone speak so passionately about something.   Mike Ranta speaks from his heart and he is so passionate about what he does that it gave me chills.   I was inspired instantly. This year him and his amazing canine Spitzii [...]

August 2017

Paddling with Paddling Adventures Radio – QEII Too Much Fun!

By |2017-08-08T18:09:55-04:00August 8th, 2017|Categories: Adventure, Canada, canoe, canoeing, Exploring, fish, fishing, Nature, Ontario, Outdoors, paddle, paddling|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

I had planned to do nothing last weekend... the key word there is planned. LOL.  I have been out doing something  every weekend for as long as I can remember and have not slept in my own bed on a weekend in , well, I can't actually remember.  I had decided to spend the day Saturday fishing with my dad.  He was going to drive up to my place and then we would head to [...]

April 2017

The 6th Annual KW Canoe Symposium- My 1st Presentation!

By |2017-04-11T14:49:03-04:00April 11th, 2017|Categories: #canoe, #canoeists, #speakers, #speech, Adventure, Algonquin, Algonquin Park, backcountry, backcountry camping, camping, camping tips, campsite, canoe camping, canoeing, enthusiasm, kw canoe symposium, Presentation, speeches, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

The day before the Outdoor Adventure Show, I received an email from David Bain.  David, runs the KW Canoe Symposium and he had asked me if I might be interested in possibly speaking at next years event?  I was incredibly flattered, and honoured, and,  after establishing that I am mainly a kayaker, and finding out  that this fact seemed irrelevant as I do also love to canoe, I said I would think about it.  I [...]

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