December 2016

Paddling on Big East Lake – Living Life With No Regrets

By |2016-12-13T18:56:59-05:00December 13th, 2016|Categories: Adventure, algonquin highlands, alone, animals, backcountry, backcountry camping, camp, camping, campsite, Canada, Exploring, gloves, ice, Ice trail, inspiration, kayak, kayak portaging, Kayaking, moosehunting, Muskoka, Ontario, Ontario Trails, ontarios highlands, Outdoors, paddle, paddling, portage, portaging, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, solo trip, sunrise, sunset, tangii, tent, tentcamping, texting gloves, Uncategorized, Up north, water, waterways, winter|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

It is a time of year when one must be really careful going out on the water.  I often receive comments of concern, people calling me brave,  and others blatantly stating I am unsafe, careless and should not be doing what I'm doing.   What if you fall out of your kayak?  You will freeze instantly!!! I have been kayaking for over 15 years of my life.  In that time, I have never, not once, [...]

November 2016

Tim River – Looking for mooses!!

By |2016-11-08T16:47:45-05:00November 8th, 2016|Categories: #bloggers, Adventure, Algonquin, Algonquin Park, Algonquin Provincial Park, alone, animals, backcountry, backcountry camping, blog, Canada, cold, Exploring, fall, fallcolours, kayak, Kayaking, kyra on the go, moose, moosehunting, Nature, navigating, navigation, Ontario, ontario parks, Ontario Trails, Outdoors, paddle, paddling, Parks, portage, portaging, River, rivers, tim, timriver, true north, Uncategorized, Up north, waterways|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

I have been trying to get to the Tim River for a few months now, but time and other plans just wouldn't allow it.  Well, to be completely honest, I attempted to go to the Tim the Sunday before, but after driving an hour to get there, I realized I had left my money at home, so I had to drive back home as I wouldn't have had enough gas to return all the way [...]

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